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Our Mission


We, members of Kochi IYEO interact with youths all over the world with the mission below.

1.Feel the World ​ 世界を感じよう。
Communicate with friends all over the world through online meetings.​

2.Think about the future  未来について考えよう。
Explore your future by knowing different way of thinking.  

3.Awareness on Society  社会を知ろう。
Know new things and share your ideas through online meetings.


Our History




In order to contribute to international goodwill, and to make a broad contribution to society, ex-participating youths of the Youth International Exchange Program hosted by the Cabinet Office of Japan have  formed the Japan Seiyuukai in 1961,  the Seinen no Funen no Kai (including the participants of the Ship for Southeast Asian Youth Program that started in 1974).  In 1985, the two organizations merged to form the International Youth Exchange Organization of Japan (IYEO) and IYEO prefectural branches.



In the beginning of the Heisei era, the IYEO's public service activities were taken over by the International Youth Exchange Promotion Center (IYEPC), which was established in 1994 in response to the development of the Cabinet Office's programs.  The IYEO Prefectural Branches were reorganized into the Prefectural  International Youth Exchange Organization, and they continue to exist as independent organizations.


The IYEO Kochi Branch also changed its name to Kochi International Youth Exchange Organization (Kochi IYEO) in 1994, and since then, as an independent youth international exchange organization, it has continued its activities as an alumni organization, including the acceptance of the Cabinet Office International Youth Exchange Program (local program) and the holding of the Shikoku Block Conference. In 2015,  The 31st National Convention of the IYEO was helod in Kochi.  The Kochi Convention Executive Committee was formed in 2013 in order to support this. The success and legacy of the 2015 National Convention in Kochi has led to the youth development activities of the Kochi IYEO today.

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初代   1994年度 川村進一(1992年度「日本・中国青年親善交流」事業)

2代   1995年度 山中茂(1994年度「日本・中国青年親善交流」事業)

3代   1997年度 松茂晶子(1996年度「世界青年の船」事業)

4代   1999年度 浜川真千子(1996年度「世界青年の船」事業)

5代   2006年度 杉尾智子(2003年度「世界青年の船」事業)

6代   2008年度 西村梓(2006年度「世界青年の船」事業)

7代   2009年度 江島ゆかり(2008年度「世界青年の船」事業)

8代   2012年度 本山由加里(2009年度「世界青年の船」事業)

9代   2014年度 杉尾智子(2003年度「世界青年の船」事業)

10代  2016年度 前田正也(1980年度「青年の船」事業)

© 2024 Kochi International Youth Exchange Organization 

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